Apple seeds 🍎 : What makes them so toxic.

Apples, like many other fruits, are both nutritious and tasty. They provide fiber, vitamins, and lots of water. While the flesh of the apple is considered to be safe for consumption, this naughty fruit holds a nasty little surprise for us within its core. The core of the apple contains seeds (nothing new, right!), but apple seeds are considered to be potent poisonsNow, in this article, we will discuss why apples are so toxic and what makes them so toxic (I wish I could research like this why my friends are toxic 😔). 

Apple seeds contain a toxic substance called amygdalin. When ingested, the body breaks down this chemical into hydrogen cyanide, a poisonous substance. In small amounts, this toxin can cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. In larger quantities, it can be fatal.


It is important to note that a person would have to eat a significant amount of apple seeds to experience any harmful effects. The hard outer layer of the seed also makes it difficult to break down and release the toxin. As a result, ingesting a few seeds by accident is not typically cause for concern.


Despite the low levels of toxicity in apple seeds, it is still best to avoid eating them in large quantities. Pregnant women, infants, and individuals with a history of cyanide poisoning should be especially cautious.




MedlinePlus (2021). Cyanide Poisoning. U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


Badge, R. & Jacobsen, H. (2017). Apple Seeds and Cyanide: A Toxic Cocktail?. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 52(4), 548-552.


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